Catchment Area — Memos of Freedom (1999-2003)
Catchment Area consisted of three performances and a series of discussions during 1999-2003 in Kiasma Theatre. It also had a post scriptum, the Memo of Disappearance installation in the Process Exhibition, Kiasma, 2003. The task of exploring relations between performance, nature, and ecology that began in the first series of memo performances in 1997 was continued in Catchment Area. The basis of its presentation — water, catchment area, and weak action — led to questioning the anthropocentrism of the theatre and performance.
I Memo, a Hamlet variation, focused on the repetition of structural and concrete violence in a human community. II Memo was a small concert on water presented by the side characters, and III Memo was a performance installation located on different kinds of edges.
Catchment area, meaning the area where a river gathers its water, is a geographical term pertinent to the hydrological cycle, but functioned also as a political, ethical and aesthetic concept in the performances. Catchment Area — Memos of Freedom tracked a series of shifts towards the edge, the end, and a space of potentiality.
A publication related to the performances: On the Theatre Ruins — Catchment Area — Memos of Freedom, ed. Virve Sutinen. Maahenki/Kiasma 2005. (scroll down for other texts on performances)
Maus&Orlovski 2003
Catchment Area — Memo of Disappearance:
- Tuija Kokkonen
- Mika Taanila
Maus&Orlovski 2001—2003
Catchment Area — III Memo of Freedom (2003):
- Performers:
Meri Nenonen
Marja Silde
Robin Svartström - Video:
Mika Taanila - Sound design:
Timo Muurinen - Light design:
Tarja Ervasti - Concept, text, direction:
Tuija Kokkonen - Producer:
Irmeli Kokko - Photography:
Pirje Mykkänen
Maus&Orlovski 1999—2001, 2003
Catchment Area — II Memo of Freedom (2001, 2003)
- Performers:
Meri Nenonen
Marja Silde
Robin Svartström - Sound design:
Jari Kauppinen (2001, 2003)
Timo Muurinen (2003) - Light design:
Mikko Hynninen - Graphic design:
Jari Aalto-Setälä - Concept, text, direction:
Tuija Kokkonen - Video:
Direction: Mika Taanila
Camera: Jussi Eerola - Light:
Ville Väänänen
Henry Wacklin - Editing:
Tita Jänkälä - Performers:
Max Bremer
Leea Klemola
Juha Kukkonen
Ihman and Wafaa Mahmoud (dance) - Producers:
Marinella Vartiainen
Tanja Vepsäläinen (an assistant)
Irmeli Kokko (2003) - Photography:
Pirje Mykkänen
Maus&Orlovski 1998-1999, 2003
Catchment Area — I Memo of Freedom (1999, 2003)
- Performers:
Max Bremer
Leea Klemola
Juha Kukkonen
Marja Silde
Robin Svartström - Video:
Marika Orenius - Camera:
Rostislav Aalto
Samuli Saastamoinen - Light design:
Liisa Kyrönseppä - Sound design:
Tommi Koskinen - Sound control:
Timo Muurinen - Graphic design, costumes:
Jari Aalto-Setälä - Visualisation:
Jari Aalto-Setälä
Liisa Kyrönseppä
Marika Orenius - Organizer:
Laura Karen - Concept, direction:
Tuija Kokkonen - Text:
Kokkonen and the performers - Moderator of the discussions:
Mervi Varja - Producers:
Eeva-Kaisa Ikonen
Irmeli Kokko (2003) - Photography:
Pirje Mykkänen
Maus&Orlovski in collaboration with Kiasma Theatre/Museum of Contemporary Art.
Supported by:
- Arts Council of Finland
- Finnish Cultural Foundation
- Alfred Kordelin Foundation
- Niilo Helander Foundation
- Helsinki City Cultural Office
Texts on performance
- Teatterin raunioilla — Valuma-alue — muistioita vapaudesta / On the Theatre Ruins — Catchment Area — Memos of Freedom. Ed. Virve Sutinen. Helsinki: Museum of Contemporary Art Kiasma and Maahenki 2005.
- Petri Tervo: ”Disintegration of Theatrical Performance in the Museum of Contemporary Art” in Theatre, History and National Identities. Eds. Helka Mäkinen, Wilmer, S.E. and Worthen, W.B. Helsinki: Helsinki University Press 2001.
Other texts
- Pekka Kantonen: ”Valuma-alue purki esityksen kappaleiksi.” Theatre Journal 3/2003.
- Marja Silde: ”Kuolevaisten etiikka” (an interview). Theatre Journal 7/2003.
- Kaija Kaitavuori: ”Olen miettinyt paljon heikkoutta” (an interview). Kiasma-Magazine 18/3.
- Lauri Meri: ”Muistioita taiteen ja rusakon jäljistä.” Helsingin Sanomat 25.3.2003.
- Hannu Harju: ”Valta pois esittäjältä.” Helsingin Sanomat 12.3.2003.
- Hanna-Leena Helavuori: ”Lempeä matka vesisysteemeihin.” Theatre Journal 7/2001.
- Hannu Harju: Helsingin Sanomat 3.9.2001.
- Hanna-Leena Helavuori: ”Onko muutos mahdollinen?” Theatre Journal 4/1999.
- Hannu Harju: ”Ofelia ottaa ohjat. Maus ja Orlovskin Valuma-alue etsii totuuksia Hamletin takaa.” Helsingin Sanomat 2.3.1999.
- Kristiina Markkanen: ”Tuija Kokkonen toi kaiken kyseenalaistavan teatterin Kiasmaan. Hamletin väkivalta joutuu syyniin.” Helsingin Sanomat 2.3.1999.
- Soila Lehtonen: ”Media-Hamlet kulkee nykytaiteen jäljillä.” Aamulehti 1.3.1999.
- Tuija Kokkonen:
- ”Vesi, video ja vartija – Valuma-alue –esitysten inhimilliset ja ei-inhimilliset toimijat.” A dissertation, theatre research. University of Helsinki 2006.
- ”Kuinka kertoa taiteesta kuolleelle jänikselle?” Theatre Journal 7/2001.